Faculty Profile

Department GEOGRAPHY
Mobile 7980499616
Email Sumita.mukherjee9@gmail.com
Academic Interest
VIDWAN Profile

Educational Qualification(In chronological order from latest to Graduation level)

Qualification (In chronological order from latest to Graduation level)College / UniversityYearSubject (s) / Topic (s)SpecializationCertificate Date
Ph.D.Burdwan University2007Mining and industrial land scape of Asansol City and its environs ; A study on human impact 2007-12-12
SLETWest Bengal College Service Comission1996Human Geography 1996-01-01
Post GraduationBurdwan University1994Geography 1997-02-25
GraduationBurdwan University1992GeographyHonours1995-04-28

Academic/Teaching Experience & responsibilities (In chronological order from latest to oldest)

PostOrganization / College / UniversityDuration : From DateDuration : To DateExperience (In Years and Months)
Lecturer and Associate ProfessorBaruipur College2010-04-292024-03-2013 years and 10months
Lecturer ,Senior Lecturer And ReaderRamananda College1999-02-192010-04-2811 Years And 2 Months

Scholarly Achievements : Publications in recognized professional and / or academic journals

DateWork typeTitle/ChapterJournal / Book TitleYearAuthorURLDoiVolumePage No.EditorPublisherUGC Care ListISSN no.
2018-06-01ArticleHealth Hazards in Coalfield Area:An Emperical Survey.Research Directions2018Dr. Sumita Mukherjee VIEW 537S.P.RajguruLaxmi Book PublicationsYES2321-5488

Scholarly Achievements : Participation and scholarly presentations in conferences

DateTitle of Conference or InstitutionLevelTitle/Subject of presentation (if made)Activity Date
2011-03-11Seminar on Natural Resource ManagementNationalImpact on Coal Mining on Non- Mineral Resources in Asansol .2011-03-11
2011-11-11National Association of Geographers {NAGI} 33rd Indian Geography CongressInternationalSubsidence : An Environmental Challenge in Asansol Sub-Division .2011-11-11
2012-03-10Conference On Dimensions of Development and Resource ConservationInternationalAir Pollution :A Chronic Problem in Mining Industrial Belt OF AsansolSub-Division ,West Bengal 2012-12-12

Appointment / Joining

Appointment DateAppointment Order NoDesignation


Appointment DateAppointment Order NoDesignation
1999-02-192954-UGC ,4P-189 UGC / 89 dated 8.10.1999 and 101 UGC 4P-189 UGC / 99 dated 12.01.2000 .Lecturer
2005-02-19301-UGC.4P-189-UGC/99(Pt.II) Dated 17-O2-09Senior Lecturer
2008-02-19282-UGC 4P-189 UGC / 99 (Pt-4) Dated 10-02-2010Reader
2011-02-192606-UGC .OM-67 UGC/17 Dated 15-09-2017 .Associate Prof.

Refresher or Orientation Course

Course Name From dateTo dateCollege / Institute / University
Orientation Programme2001-07-142001-08-10Burdwan University
Refresher Course2003-09-102003-09-30Burdwan University
Refresher Course2008-02-202008-03-11Calcutta University
Refresher Course2008-11-072008-11-28Calcutta University

University Assignments

Assignment For (UG / PG)Year of ExaminationSelect SemesterNature of AssignmentIf a Member of Board of Studies, kindly mention your respective subjectMember of Board of StudiesTOTAL NO. OF ASSIGNMENTS PERFORMED DURING THE SELECTED SEMESTER AND SELECTED NATURE OF ASSIGNMENT
UG20221ExaminerNot ApplicableNot Applicable2
UG20221ExaminerNot ApplicableNot Applicable2
UG20222ExaminerNot ApplicableNot Applicable1
UG20234Head Examiner or Co-OrdinatorNot ApplicableNot Applicable1
UG20226ExaminerNot ApplicableNot Applicable4
UG20226ExaminerNot ApplicableNot Applicable4
UG20236ExaminerNot ApplicableNot Applicable4
UG20226ExaminerNot ApplicableNot Applicable4
UG20235ExaminerNot ApplicableNot Applicable1
UG20222Head Examiner or Co-OrdinatorNot ApplicableNot Applicable1

Present Administrative responsibilities

Post HeldDepartment & Committee
HeadDepartment Of Geography
ConvenerInternal Complaint sub Committee
Member Academic Sub commiittee

Research Experience

Course/PositionOrganizationExperience in year & month
PhDBurdwan Universiy6 years